Saturday, 5 September 2009

Going to have a very bust day tomorrow. Going to start making up the new designs for the luxury and classic nappy cakes. I've got all the nappy 'fillings' ready and just need to wrap the clothes, blankets and toys on the cakes and then take some pics if I get chance. Should be good fun but will take me ages no doubt as I like to faf about rearranging until Im happy with the way the nappy cakes look. Then comes the dreaded bit where I work out how much to charge...need to factor in cost of items, nappies, ribbons, my time making them, bubble wrap, boxes and postage by courier and still make the cakes look good value for money for people to buy them!

just made a bespoke bouquet order. Customer only wanted 12 pairs of socks in shades of blue purple and white. Think its turned out really well!